Wednesday, October 20, 2010




Feeling much better, still a little weak and shaky but at least the fever seems to be gone. Went in to the horse park for the second shift which meant I could sleep in. Lauren had finally arrived with Renee about 1am and the media team got in even later I think, the floor boards in this place are very squeaky. We had a relaxed morning then headed in by 1pm, just in time to catch Pat’s demo, with the demo team. The booth was quite busy after and Pat came down still on his horse to do photos, autographs and do the lucky draw prize thing. He’s doing a lecture and a demo every day. The team sent me home with the early shift just to be sure I wasn’t overdoing it. As we were leaving- the exit was a tent- a golf cart was coming in, so I opened the ten door wide to let them drive thru, as they passed the elderly gentleman said thank you. I had just opened the door for William Shattner! Apparently this particular exit was also the VIP entry. It was good to get back early, I had certainly started to fade. We stopped at a soup and bread place for dinner and I gotta say I had the best tomato soup I’d ever tasted and it was exactly what I needed, felt completely revived.

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