Meet at the corporate office at 8:30am. Had a session on where to from here…all about managing student tracking etc. Re-took the policy test…think it went well…Lunch…afternoon sessions on Ambassador program, social media and IT stuff. Finally, our results are ready and we all passed! I wasn’t game to look at my certificate in case it said ‘this isn’t real, just didn’t want you to be left out’…I really didn’t think I’d be able to do it and I considered not getting out of bed and not turning up several times…really glad I made myself do it, hopefully this will be the fire cracker that I need lit under my arse to get me to progress and stop being complacent! Now I have been given the opportunity to run my own Parelli endorsed business, licenced to teach as a Parelli Professional.
We are all invited to a celebratory party at Pat and Linda’s house!
By the way, 1 star means you can teach 1 savvy- On Line. 2 stars means you can teach 2 savvy’s- On line and either Freestyle or Liberty.
Of course there is still plenty to be done, I'm just a Trainee instructor til I've taught 50 hours for free to at least 20 students...anyone want to be a guinea pig?
OMG! seriously. You so deserve it, you already know so much of this stuff. If you could see what we see when you work with the girls. I'd so volunteer to be a student if I was in Melbourne (mind you I'd have to beg, borrow or steal a horse first).