Interesting day in the office today, I’ve been around long enough for people to start talking to me beyond the normal polite chit chat…some interesting stories coming out, not going to elaborate til I get other points of view. So many holes in the system and I can’t understand how the business has actually functioned with so much lack of organisation?
Pat, Linda and my friend Ann arrived back yesterday afternoon from their tour stop in Fresno, CA. A team of instructors and students travel with them along with a heap of horses…here a part of Pat’s truck fleet…sorry it was getting dark when I went past tonight, will get a better shot tomorrow as these are impressive beasts!
Also took a photo of my office filing handy work, wish I’d taken a before photo! Spent a lot of today going through the library and finding out what’s missing and renumbering DVD’s, CD’s etc in reverse chronological order, so the latest edition of whatever is the easiest to find…looking forward to getting to the corporate office for some real action, haha!
They have a cook here who is doing a wonderful job of producing 3 heafty meals a day…for someone like me who is used to eating maybe the equivalent of one meal spread across the day, I’m thinking it’s time to get some exercise, so yesterday I left the golf cart at my cabin and went down the hill. Took me what felt like ages but decided to do it again tonight! Will start timing how long it takes...pushing up that hill every evening is going to turn me into Superwoman! Maybe 3 or 4 times a week will do. Oh yeah, here’s a picture of my golf cart…
do you have your own BBQ?
ReplyDeleteWell, there is a BBQ sitting out the front but its not mine...might be something to investigate tho...