Tuesday, October 26, 2010



In the car by 8am, picked up Hans, Lauren’s farrier, by 8:30 and got to the airport by 10am. Nice and early…my flight isn’t until 6:56pm…thought I’d be able to store my bags, but no, they don’t do that. I’ll have to cart my luggage around the airport all day. Tempting to get a room at the airport hotel, not worth 140 bucks tho. So I’m sitting in the food court area with Krispy Kreme donuts, catching up on my blogs! Nobody is on face book to chat to, or skype…not surprising as it is 3:30am in Australia! There is heaps of shops to look at which I will do once I check my bags, I can do that 4 hours prior to my flight. Until then it’s easier to stay put, apart from the internet I have movies and audio books for entertainment. Will lose a day on the way home…the 27th of October will not exist for me.

I’m looking forward to getting home, it’s been a great adventure, time to go back to the real world.

So long and thanks for all the fish.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you keep in touch when you get home. You've had quite the adventure this year Mel, lot's to soak in.

    Look forward to seeing you again one day.

