Day 3- Performance.
So for those who don’t know what the Savvy Club symbol looks like, here is a picture…
and I decided to try and replicate it using the photos and DVD’s from the auditions (after they had been assessed!) An audition is when you video you and your horse going thru tasks to achieve certain levels, like a grading system. I didn’t quite get it how I wanted it as there was very limited art supplies, but using the Parelli core principle of ‘Doing more with Less’, I think it worked out ok.
There was lots of performance demonstrations, Pat, and his protégé Ryan, working the stallions on cows, demonstrating Cutting, was just incredible! Was too absorbed to think of taking photo’s, sorry. There was a quad drill demo which Lauren organised, miniature ponies doing fun stuff and Linda gave us her secrets on how to plan and perform a demonstration, matching music and energy levels etc.
It also happened to be Lauren's birthday, which also happens to be the anniversary of her winning her gold medals...we went out for a drink (Lauren's wearing the birthday hat and holding a very large cocktail, with a flaming shot in the middle, called a punch bowl!)
All in all, a fantastic day topping off a fantastic weekend!
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